Friday, June 24, 2011


It's been busy around here.

True, I'm not employed right now... but I do have a job: getting ready to move. Meaning my days are filled to the brim with sorting, packing, cleaning, donating, and trying to wrap my head around that whole house thing. (Eeep.) BUT, I finally took some time to look over my precious goals list this morning, and realized that I had actually completed some stuff! What a nice surprise.

The first one I hadn't remembered was a "goal" was #73: Get an Eye Exam. I did that about a month before I was done working (and being insured... don't tell my parents).

This is not my eye.* 
I always knew I had good vision, which is totally random since my dad wore coke-bottle lenses until he had corrective eye surgery, and my mom has astigmatism**. I've always been able to read things from pretty far away, and my grandmother used to joke that I could spot a bug from a mile away (especially spiders. Gross). I was kind of worried that maybe my vision had gotten worse with aging; unlike some people, I did not want to be told I needed glasses. Thankfully, I was told that I still have good vision - and it's actually better than 20/20 in both eyes! I may not be good at a lot, but I'm a darn good looker-at-things. Seer-of-stuff? Beholder-of-crap? Good eyeballz, I haz 'em.

Also, I got to use insurance to pay for (most of) THESE:

Super-fancy-not-$10-from-Target sunnies!
And if you can't tell how special they are from that angle, maybe this will give you an idea:

Burberry! (More like Blurberry with my photo skills...)
I have been wearing the heck out of them and have only come close to losing them once. I love getting fancy things for (almost) cheap!

Anyway, there are more goals that I have completed... so there will be more posts once I get some hot pics uploaded. I know you can't wait.

See you real well soon.

*It's the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings. He probably had better-than-20/20 vision too. Also, just FYI: if you ever decide to image-search "eye" or "eyes" on the interwebz, be prepared to come across some really yucky pics. I am praying they were all photoshopped.

**It took me until right now to actually look this term up; I finally know that it's "astigmatism," and not a "stigmatism" that plagues my Mama's eyes. I never was sure, and for that reason always avoided writing it. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Got me good. I clicked on "some people" and saw that embarrassing picture of my family. Guess it's time to put something new...
