Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Title

Ha, the title of theTitle is The Title.

Oh golly, you are in for a treat with this here blog. And speaking of this here blog, I thought I should explain/provide a disclaimer for the name of it.

(Please enjoy the clip-art... I am such a techhie.)

If you read the first post, you may have seen that I think the title of the blog is kind of... bad. You see, the day I made the bloggity, I had seen the phrase "see below for significance" on some set of instructions, so naturally I thought it would be witty as all get-out as the title of a blog... because, you know, you read below the title, and that's the "significant" part. The writing. Not the title. Yeah, not that funny, I know. But after I named it thus (who uses "thus" anymore?), I realized that this "witty" title of mine might imply that I thought what I was writing was very significant. Which, obviously, it isn't. It's just silly/entertaining for me/silly. So, then I hated it.

THEN (and by then, I mean a few minutes ago), I realized that I can change the title of the bloggizzle any gosh darn time I want. But then if I did that, I would have to change that first explanation of it. And that made me feel dumb.

Sooooooo... I guess I will keep the name for now. Not because I think this is significant to anyone but me (completing goals does seem pretty significant for a chronic procrastinator/focus-loser/project-abandoner), but because I'm lazy. I mean, because I don't care. Except that I clearly do, because I have written at length about it. But, I don't have a better idea. That's mostly why.

Alright, that's enough for today. Good night and good luck.

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